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  • 公司名称:上海昆邦化工有限公司
  • 地 址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路1818号3号楼一层
  • 联系人:龙小姐
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Wencon Cream威康乳剂是一种双组份环氧填补胶,用于磨损修复、抗震和防腐蚀。耐温达 +250°C


Wencon Cream is a basic two-component, epoxy compound with a wide range of applications for repair and rebuilding of worn, damaged, cracked and corroded metal parts.

Typical applications are corroded tanks, pump housings, impellers, valves, pipes, flange faces, roller bearing seats, worn shafts, hydraulic rams and heat exchangers. Wencon Cream is also excellent as a filling compound. Wencon Cream exhibits many of the characteristics of metals, which together with outstanding adhesion to all metallic surfaces makes the repair compound highly suitable for repair of corroded and worn metals.
•Wide range of applications
•Strong adhesion to all metal surfaces
•Low curing temperature
•Simple mixing and application
•Fully machinable

Key technical Data

Max temperature : +60 - +250°C
Consistency : paste
Mixing ratio vol. : 1:1
Apply with : Spatula
Potlife at 20°C : 30-60 min. mixed in small amounts
Curing time : 10-15 hours
Machineability : yes
Specific volume : 775 cm3 / kg
Dielectric strength : 10 KV/mm
wencon 1010  Wencon Cream, 1 kg (2,2 lb) unit  impa 812335  issa 75.553.20 

wencon 1010,Wencon Cream,impa 812335,issa 75.553.20